Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 14

Yesterday was a weird day for me, because it was one of the first days that I worked late and then worked out.  I slept in, so I didn't eat breakfast, but ate a good lunch and some snack foods.  I'm starting to catch myself not eating meals, but instead snacks all day, healthy snacks, but not full meals.  I want to still eat my meals, its just really hard for me to eat all the time.

After work, I went home and I changed clothes and headed to the gym.  I have this sore on my foot from walking so much, that I had to put like 4 band aids on and it still bothered me while walking.  It looks like one of those sores that are full of fluid, but I don't think it is.  It didn't stop me though.....gotta keep going. 

When I got to the gym I felt so good, that I started off to much to fast.  It was my first time doing that and I sure did feel it.  I started getting cramps in my right leg and I had to stop several times and stretch my legs.  I was so mad at myself, but after about 5 or 10 minutes it stretched out and I felt good.  I walked on a 10% incline almost the whole time, which the only aggravating thing about it, is your arms start hurting from holding yourself up, but I guess your working arm muscles too.  I then afterwards did the elliptical for 6 minutes.  I'm gradually going up, so I know Ill get there and be longer one day.

I had every intention on going to Zumba on day 15, but my job asked me if I would want some more hours and well....finances are tight this month, so more money is good.  I will still work out afterwards, so its not too much of a bummer. 

My menu for the day:
Bowl of spaghetti (lunch)
1 Reese's mini cup (gotta still eat a sweet)
Cherry yogurt
Peach yogurt
Strawberry Wheat Bar
Protein Bar after workout

I know my eating was weird, but I kept eating so my body was getting its fuel to keep up my metabolism.
I'm eager to see if the Y will let me weigh in on their scale Wednesday, but excited to see if I'm below 250.

I have to say I haven't had any struggles or temptations yet.  I really think my determination over powers temptation.  I get a set mind of something and theres nothing to break it.  Now I'm not saying I wont eat fatty foods or ever indulge every again in my life, but right now, I do hope to keep this up!! :)  I can do it!!

I didnt walk as farther as I did the day before, but I burned 50 more calories

See the sore.....it hurts worse then it looks....and yes I wear 2 socks when I work out, lol

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