Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 16

 I wont lie and say I'm getting to a breaking point....more like I'm bored.  This week has been so off and I hate it!!! I had to work every night, so I feel like I waste the whole day and my eating schedule gets off.  I have slept in a few days and so I didn't eat breakfast and then there were days where I would get up, go to a meeting, come back home and lay down and not eat lunch, so my lunch and dinner is pretty much all rolled into one.  Since, I'm working late, I'm going to the gym late and then I'm tired and then I have to wake up early and that's why I lay back down when I get home.

I can also tell, to be honest, that my body is getting ready for the monthly.  Not really emotionally this time, like last month, but more like my body is craving the bad foods, like sweets and fatty foods.  I also have been kind of running low on groceries, so I'm trying to make things last longer, since I don't get paid in awhile, so therefore, I'm eating kind of bad foods, stuff with more starch.

I still haven't eaten out and indulged or sit and eat, eat, eat, but I'm not feeling where I want to be.  I worked out tonight and I only went 30 minutes on the treadmill because I wanted to try the 30 minute circuit and it was so late and I was tired, I still had to wake up at 6am, so I didn't want to be at the gym all night.  After the walk, I went over there and almost died.  I really don't like how they have it all set up....its all legs and then all arms....It would be nice to go, arms, legs, arms, legs, but I guess its for a reason.  While I'm exercising last night, I kept yawning and I just wasn't into it 100%, because I had so much on my mind, I honestly was afraid I was going to hurt myself.  I definitely want to try it again though and put more of an effort in it. 

So I went to the Y and I weighed myself, well let me back up......I went in and asked if I could sign up for the weight loss challenge they are doing, its free, it includes (I think)
1st Place: 
$1000.00 to Dillard's
$350.00 to Subway
2 Bikes
a year membership to the Y
Second and Third places get other things, just not sure what, but in the back of my mind its good motivation to reach too.  I have till April to lose weight....but anyways....they tell me they have a new scale and so I weigh on it and its 256.  I wasn't having fact the lady went and talked to the boss and he recommend me go down the downtown Y and weigh in there, because it was a box scale and more accurate.  I asked if I could weigh in on my red scale, but they said no, the batteries were dieing....whatever......

So I go all the way downtown and explain why I'm there and want to be weighed.  I got on and it fluctuated from 252-253-254 and it always went to 253, so that's what I am.  I will NEVER know, if I lost weight or just stayed the same.  The scales are a 3 pound difference and I know every scale is different, but I want to stick to one scale, so what I'm going to do is go downtown every Wednesday and weigh in.....they are going to have that scale till April 9th, so that's what I'm going to have to go off of and figure something out later for down the road. 

Even if I didn't lose a pound, I am still happy I am the same at least.  I am a little anxious to see on the 25th if I did lose any inches.  I really feel like my body is stuck because I'm doing the same things and so I know I need to try and change it up.  I would love to do Zumba, but it just so happened that EVERY SINGLE NIGHT this week I work when the class is, kinda upsetting.  Oh well....I cant let it stop me from working out.

The below list is what I made my grandpa to work with everyday.  In fact he just told me that he walks to the bathroom with his 2 pound weights instead of his cane, but were just alike.....meaning we push ourselves too far too fast and end up hurting ourselves, so I told him to be careful.

I'm a day technically behind on the blog, because I'm having to do everything at night or the next day, so its really day 17 when writing this.  I need to do a body shot today, well I did, but not a good one, I was dressed up in my clothes, so I will do another one later.

Tetrizini with peas and whole weat hot dog bun cause I didnt have a piece of wheat bread, lol

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